Clothes dryer electric
Want a clothes dryer that is more efficient and gentler on your clothes?
Read more about Clothes dryer electricWhether you’re electrifying one appliance or all of them, you’ll likely need an electrician to pre-wire your home. With some planning, most homes can electrify everything in their home on their existing panel.
Why do it?
Switching from fossil fuel appliances to electric appliances will increase the amount of electricity you use to run your home, and many will require a new electrical circuit.
Before you start any home electrification projects, to save you time and money.
Who is this for?
Read more about wiring your home for electrification
Panel upgrade upfront cost
Wiring upfront cost
$800–$1,500 per circuit
Hard, hire an electrician
Enables all other electrification projects
Planning ahead for electrification and doing electrical work upfront can make electrification faster, easier, and cheaper for you.
Pros and cons of pre-wiring your home for electrification
Ready to start your electrification journey? Learn why pre-wiring your home for electrification saves you time and money.
Pros and cons of a panel upgrade
How to determine your panel size
How to wire your home for electrification
How to electrify on a 100 Amp panel
2. Determine your panel size
You can usually find your panel size by looking at the number on your main breaker (the big switch at the top of your electrical panel). Read How to determine your panel size for a step-by-step guide to finding your panel size, or consult with your electrician.
3. Figure out if you can electrify on your existing panel
If you have a panel that is 150 Amps or greater, you can usually electrify without an upgrade and without careful planning. If you have a panel that is less than 100 Amps, we recommend that you upgrade your panel. If you have a panel that is 100–150 Amps, check out our Pros and cons of a panel upgrade guide and determine if you want to electrify on your existing panel.
4. Make a plan
Particularly if you want to electrify on a smaller panel, it’s important to make a plan and to stick with it! Use our How to electrify on a 100 Amp panel guide to figure out what appliances you will use to electrify.
5. Call electricians and get quotes for pre-wiring
Get at least three quotes if you want to save money! You can find a list of the circuits that you need for electrification in our How to wire your home for electrification guide.
Make sure you discuss the following things with your electrician:
The pros and cons of pre-wiring for these electrification projects all at once, versus doing the wiring for each project individually
Whether you can electrify on your existing panel
I have a 100 Amp panel. Can I electrify my home without upgrading my electrical panel?
Usually, yes. It just requires making some smart choices about which appliances you install or using circuit-sharing devices. Read our article about How to electrify on a 100 Amp panel and consult with your electrician for details.
Can I pre-wire my home for electrification?
You can easily pre-wire for your EV charger, heat pump water heater, clothes dryer, and stove/range. We don’t recommend pre-wiring for your heat pump, because you won’t know the exact type of circuit you need until you pick a heat pump with the help of your HVAC contractor. Read our article about How to wire your home for electrification for details.
Clothes dryer electric
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